It's another blog post on my blog that's a summary of a book. This time, the book is a graphic novel. This graphic novel, THE CAT who went Heaven, is written by Elizabeth Coatsworth, and a very touching book, it is, at least to me. Tears welled up in my eyes at the end of the book. Anyway, this book is about a female cat living with a poor young artist and his housekeeper.
One day, the housekeeper went back from the market carrying a basket that was supposed to contained dinner but instead, containing the white cat she bought from a fisherman in the market. When the cat was brought home, the housekeeper named the cat Good Fortune.
Good Fortune realized that she can't be very helpful for the artist and the housekeeper so she ate as little of their food as possible and each day, she sat in front of the Buddha's image in the artist's house and seemingly prayed for the artist and the housekeeper. One day, a monk from a nearby temple asked the artist to paint a painting detailing Buddha's death. He brought a first payment with him to relieve the artist of his poverty.
Over the next few days, the artist sat there imagining his painting and the animal's who went to heaven. Then he drew the painting. When he finished drawing the last of the animal's who went to heaven, he thought about his cat, who can't go to heaven since cats don't accept Buddha's teaching and therefore can't go to heaven, his heart softens, and he drew a cat.
When Good Fortune saw the painting again, she died out of gratitude for the artist and happiness.
To find out more, please read this book, folks. That's all, folks!
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